The Cultural Identity Project

Hammersmith and Fulham Volunteer Centre / Zoom in Photography School

Working closely with an inspiring and diverse group of young participants, we explored ideas around identity and cultural representation. The group reflected on their own lives and shared their stories and experiences through discussions, portraiture and documentary photography.

They curated a final exhibition, inviting friends and family to celebrate their hard work and the fearless, personal and skilful ways they chose to visually represent themselves.

Creative Process

During the initial workshops, which were full of lively discussions, debates and activities, the group learned various photographic techniques.

In planning their portraits, some chose to alternate between everyday clothes and culturally specific outfits. Others chose objects with personal meaning.

The participants were given disposable film cameras to take home and create photo stories representing an aspect of their lives.

Working together they helped each other select their final portraits and assemble finished photo stories in their sketchbooks.